Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Great Olive Oil Challenge

I admit it. I love butter, and I enjoy it—in moderation. But my romance is not a healthy one, and I’ve decided to put a little more space between me and my lover…I mean my butter.

My challenge? To substitute olive oil for butter whenever possible. Now I know there are some things that just belong together—butter with oatmeal, butter with sauces, butter in baking; but, for a healthier alternative, I drizzle olive oil on toast, French bread, baked sweet/white potatoes, rice, pasta, and salads. I also sauté/boil veggies with olive oil, as well as pan-frying grilled cheese sandwiches, eggs, and salmon/tuna croquettes.

So, are you up for the challenge? Before you reach for the butter, think about olive oil instead.