Friday, January 18, 2013

Mama's Tea Cakes

I would guess that many Southern cooks inherited tea cake recipes from their mothers or grandmothers. I stumbled upon my family recipe and baked them recently. I haven't tasted my mama's tea cakes in about 35 years since I was a young girl.

My mama would bake tea cakes often whenever we had a sweet tooth and didn't have anything else in the house. I'm embarrassed to say I thought they were a mediocre substitute for a bag of Chips Ahoy or some Duncan Hines something-or-another from a box.

What do I think now after tasting them again? I love the vanilla goodness, the buttery richness, and the simple, uncomplicated sweetness. I love that this tea cake is part of my family's history. And I love that I think about my mom when I eat them.

Mama's Tea Cakes

½ cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, well-beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
¼ cup milk
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 ½ cups all-purpose flour

Cream butter for about 3 minutes. Add sugar gradually, egg, milk and flavoring. Sift dry ingredients, and add to first mixture. Roll mixture out on lightly floured surface to about ¼ inch thickness. Cut with round cutter (approximately 3 inches). Bake on a greased or parchment-lined pan at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. Makes about 15 cakes.