Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fruit Smoothies--Perfect Way to Start the Day

As health-conscious as I try to be, I can’t seem to bring myself to eat fruit the way I should. With good intentions, I buy it—then it just sits in my fruit bowl until it passes its prime, and I throw it out. Determined to find a way to get my daily allowance of fruit, I now start off each day with a homemade smoothie. For convenience, I use frozen fruit; however, bananas are the foundation of my smoothies. Here's my trick: I purchase ripe bananas in bulk, peel and chop up, put the slices into baggies, and pop them in the freezer. Bananas add frothiness and a sweet balance to tart fruits.

Fast, simple and healthy, smoothies are the perfect way to start the day. Here are two of my favorite recipes:

Tropical Fruit Smoothie

1 cup skim milk
8 slices frozen banana
*2-3 each strawberries, pineapple and mango chunks

Combine all ingredients in a blender, and process until smooth.

* from Kroger's Private Selection Fruit Blend for Smoothies

Blueberry Peach Smoothie

1 cup skim milk
8 slices frozen banana
3-4 slices frozen peaches
1 generous handful frozen blueberries

Combine all ingredients in a blender, and process until smooth.

Each recipe makes 2 small or 1 large serving. Adjust ingredients for your perfect consistency and to suit your individual taste.