Friday, October 15, 2010

Impromptu Pizza--Making Do in a Pinch

I was all set for Pizza Friday…Sauce. Check. Toppings. Check. Refrigerated pizza dough??? Yikes! I’m out! In a pinch, I went for my go-to bread I always have on hand—whole wheat pita bread.

Tonight’s toppings were Mediterranean—left over from a recent Greek salad: chicken, sundried tomatoes, kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, purple onion and feta. Pesto sauce was the foundation for this pie.

Not knowing quite what to expect, I was thrilled that this impromptu pizza was delicious! Got two thumbs up from Gary, so I knew I’d hit a home run. The whole wheat pita bread was super-crisp and much lighter than the refrigerated pizza dough. Plus, it’s whole grain, all natural, and low fat. This means I can eat twice as much, right?

Whole Wheat Pita Pizza

Whole wheat pita bread
Sauce of your choice
Toppings of your choice
Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling

Preheat oven to 400. Place pita bread on a greased baking pan; poke with fork to prevent puffing. Place in preheated oven for five minutes. Remove and top with your favorite sauce (pesto, tomato, garlic/ranch dressing). Add your favorite toppings. Top with cheese, and bake until cheese is melted and bread is crispy. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil before serving.