Sunday, October 24, 2010

Beans--Healthy, Nutritious, Delicious!!

I love beans—all kinds of beans. In fact, I love them so much, I’ve begun taking a bit of time each weekend to prepare a big pot to enjoy the following week. I cook a different type each weekend...pinto, navy, black...I can serve them with any meal, but I especially love a cup of beans with a sandwich or wrap instead of chips—healthy, nutritious, delicious!

Dried beans are the only way to go for me; they’re inexpensive, and I think they taste better than canned or frozen. Here is my recipe for white beans. The root vegetables and herbs make this dish extra flavorful.

White Beans with Herbs and Vegetables

1 pound dried white beans
4 cups water
1 cup low-sodium chicken stock
½ medium-large onion, peeled
1 bay leaf
1 carrot, cut into chunks
1 stalk celery, cut into chunks
2 cloves minced garlic
1/8 teaspoon dried thyme
1/8 teaspoon dried marjoram
2 teaspoons salt
Fresh cracked black pepper
Smart Balance, butter, or other spread

Prepare dried beans for cooking according to package directions (either quick or overnight soak). Add beans to large pot, along with water and chicken stock (add more stock later if needed). Add remaining ingredients. Simmer over low heat according to bean directions or until tender. After beans have cooked, adjust seasoning and add butter.

Note: Freeze leftover beans in baggies to enjoy later. Next week, prepare a different kind, and freeze. Continue to rotate out.