Sunday, May 5, 2013

My New Favorite - Brie Pizza

This pizza is too simple really. I'm amazed that so few ingredients deliver such amazing flavor. Spread pre-baked pizza crust with a thin layer of pesto sauce. Top with:

Canadian bacon or pancetta
Sun dried tomatoes
Sliced brie cheese
Thinly sliced purple onion
Shredded mozzarella cheese (optional)

Bake at 400 on lowest oven rack for 10 minutes or so until bottom crust is golden brown. Move to middle oven rack, and cook for about 10 more minutes until the edge of the crust has browned to your preference, and cheese is melted. Remove from oven, and allow pizza to rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing. Drizzle good olive oil over pizza slices, and top with chopped fresh rosemary before serving.

Photos of this deliciously amazing pizza to come--I'm be doing this one again REAL soon.