Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pasta, Sunny Side Up!

I love a quick pasta salad for lunch or a satisfying, hearty spaghetti dinner. So I thought, why not have this favorite food of mine for breakfast? One morning I went to the refrigerator to see what kind of tasty egg dish I could rustle up for breakfast. I found leftover whole grain linguine and parmesan cheese, and I was on my way. I warmed the pasta, added a touch of Smart Balance (my favorite, healthy spread), drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled with kosher salt, fresh cracked black pepper and freshly grated Parmesan cheese. I topped the linguine with an over-easy egg; a final touch of salt, pepper, olive oil and cheese sealed the deal.

The over-easy egg yolk, mingled with the al-dente pasta, was a breakfast marriage made in heaven. A warm, buttery piece of whole grain bread and some fresh fruit got my morning off to a delicious, nutritious start!

Note: If you don't have whole grain pasta on hand, try leftover brown rice. Think of other delicious leftovers to add to this healthy breakfast: spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions...the possibilities are endless!