Monday, May 31, 2010

Nice 'n Spicy!

Spicy foods increase metabolism, so I try to incorporate those elements into my cooking whenever possible. In addition to the usual suspects, such as black pepper, cayenne pepper and jalapenos, there are other spicy ingredients that can boost metabolism.

Ginger adds a unique flavor and is added to many marinade and vinaigrette recipes. As a money-saving bonus, ginger can be kept in the freezer ensuring a long shelf life. Scrape the skin off with a spoon, and store it in a baggie in the deep freeze.

Mustard is an easy standard that can be added often to your favorite foods. In addition to sandwiches, this spicy condiment is great in sauces and is added to many vinaigrette recipes. Dijon, spicy brown, whole grain, honey...this spicy ingredient appeals to a wide variety of tastes.

Garlic is one of the best, most versatile spicy ingredients to add to your favorite dishes. The possibilities are endless—from pasta to burgers to bread toppings to soups and stews. The health benefits of this herb are numerous.

In addition to increasing metabolism, spicy foods have a myriad of preventative and curative benefits—they contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in preventing disease and other ailments including arthritis, colds, flu and respiratory conditions. Consider other spicy ingredients that will kick up your metabolism: horseradish, wasabi, chipotle peppers, hot sauce, curry, chilies, cinnamon and paprika. Not only do these ingredients increase the metabolic rate, they help burn extra calories.

So, increase your energy level and get healthy—spice things up!